Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Definition of Art: Second Edition

My definition of art has definitely changed since the beginning of the year when one of our first blog post assignments was to write a post explaining our definition of art. I think the biggest influence on this change has been the unit we talked about in English about public art, and the visual essay assignment about public art. Before when I thought about art, I thought about the more obvious forms of art such as paintings and sculptures. However, through the work I have done in my English class this semester, I know realize that art can encompass so many more things, especially in the genre of public art. For example, I hadn't ever thought as much about landscaping as being public art, and that became a large focus of my visual essay. I've been interested in photography for several years, so I have been seeing things such as landscaping as art once it has been captured in a photograph, but I had never thought much about how landscaping can be considered art on its own, even without being in a photograph. This class has expanded my appreciation for art and its various forms, and it has opened my eyes to new forms of art that I had not thought about before.

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